The digital revolution is reshaping the world, and Finland is no exception. With a strategic roadmap, extending to 2030, Finland’s digital compass sets the course for the nation’s transformation. Aligned with EU policies, it focuses on digital rights and principles that place people at the center, promote inclusion, and ensure a sustainable digital future.

Within this context, Finland’s compass revolves around four key points: skills development, secure digital infrastructures, business transformation, and digitalization of public services. In Finnish VET (Vocational Education and Training), current efforts are directed towards integrating new technologies into education, aligning with national targets.

One significant initiative is Digiosaava, which aims to enhance vocational training providers’ digitalization capacity. By creating a digital management and competence development entity, it fosters a clear path for VET providers, empowering both educators and students in the digital realm.

Supporting these endeavors, the Finnish National Agency of Education manages the “Digitalisation in vocational education” network. This network fosters peer support, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas and experiences among VET providers. It also enables educators to explore the possibilities of digitization in education and supports the implementation of educational policy reforms.

Within the VET core curricula, digitalization is integrated as a common part, ensuring that basic digital skills are accessible to all students. By prioritizing digital competence, Finland prepares its workforce for the future, promoting continuous learning and adaptability.

Embracing the shift brought on by the pandemic, Finnish VET has moved towards online learning platforms. Ensuring accessibility for all learners is paramount, promoting inclusivity and equality. Digital pedagogy plays a crucial role in adapting teaching methods to digital environments, offering new opportunities and innovative approaches to education.

In the realm of digitalization, Finnish VET has naturally integrated ICT tools to enhance learning processes. Mobile devices facilitate documenting work processes, creating learning portfolios, and staying connected with teachers during on-the-job learning periods. Platforms like Workseed, a leading Finnish TVET online platform, enable distance education while focusing on Competence-Based Curricula objectives.

As the future unfolds, experts are exploring the potential of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and mixed reality, to further enrich vocational education. By nurturing digital skills and embracing technological advancements, Finland remains at the forefront of the digital revolution, propelling its people towards success in an ever-evolving world.


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