The world is evolving rapidly, transitioning from the fourth industrial revolution to the next wave of industrialization. This fifth wave emphasizes sustainable, human-centric, and resilient industries through digitalization. As production and services undergo a digital transformation, the need for digital skills becomes essential. Finland has recognized the significance of digital competence and strives to equip its citizens with the necessary skills for the future.

In Finland, digital competence is viewed from two perspectives: as a civic skill in itself and as part of multiliteracy. It is considered both an object of learning and a tool for learning, integrated at all educational levels. The country’s commitment to digital competence is evident in its top-ranking position in the European Commission’s Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI).

With an established ecosystem of teachers, research institutions, and public and private sector actors, Finland boasts top-quality pedagogical expertise. The country promotes an innovative learning culture that embraces experimentation and exploration. Education management information systems gather valuable data on performance, wellbeing, enrollment rates, and more, supporting the lifelong learning journey.

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the importance of digital skills grows exponentially. Access to digital learning is vital to ensure inclusive and relevant education for all, including girls and children with disabilities. Finland is dedicated to providing comprehensive approaches to support inclusive digital transformation in education.

From an early age, Finnish children are exposed to digital skills and continue to learn and adapt throughout their lives. Different professions require context-specific digital skills, tailoring the training to the specific needs of various fields.

Progression of digital skills adoption in the Finnish education system as viewed by the author.

To successfully navigate the digital landscape, schools in Finland have mapped and classified their digital learning tools. This approach helps educators make informed decisions about the resources they use. The level of autonomy in the Finnish education system empowers teachers and schools to choose the digital platforms that best align with their learning objectives.

Collaboration between government, academia, and the private sector drives continuous development in Finland. Stakeholders work together to innovate and create solutions that nurture the uniqueness of every child, providing them with opportunities for a better future.

As the world embraces the digital revolution, Finland stands at the forefront, equipping its citizens with the digital skills needed to thrive in an ever-evolving world. By fostering a learning environment that embraces technology and continuous improvement, Finland is paving the way for a brighter and more connected future for its people.


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