In the realm of education, the PISA assessment has long been the gold standard for evaluating students’ cognitive abilities across the globe. However, in a refreshing twist, the latest iteration, PISA 2022, has taken a giant leap forward by recognizing the significance of soft skills alongside traditional academic knowledge. As an educator, I couldn’t be happier about this shift, especially in the context of mathematics and its intricate relationship with creativity.

Mathematics, often perceived as a rigid and exact science, might seem worlds apart from the realm of creativity. However, the reality is quite the opposite. Creativity is an indispensable element in mathematical thinking, one that fosters innovation, problem-solving, and a deeper understanding of the subject.

The inclusion of soft skills in PISA 2022 acknowledges this vital connection. It signals a pivotal change in the way we approach mathematics education. No longer can we solely focus on rote memorization and formulaic problem-solving. Now, we must encourage our students to think outside the box, to question and explore, and to harness their innate creativity to excel in mathematics.

Unfortunately, the path to nurturing creativity in mathematical thinking is often marred by a significant hurdle – teachers skills. Many teachers, while experts in their respective fields, may lack the skills and tools required to effectively instill soft skills in their students. This deficiency can hinder the development of creativity and problem-solving abilities among learners.

We have been working tirelessly to create Teacher Soft Skills Badges and related materials. Our goal is to provide educators with the tools and knowledge they need to infuse creativity into their teaching methods, not just in mathematics but across all subjects. These badges and resources are designed to empower teachers to promote the development of soft skills in their students effectively. Currently we are finalising our first batch of badges to be piloted in a few countries before officially launching them to the world. And we are pretty proud of what we have accomplished, our baseline was to create something we as teachers would value.

Our badges cover a range of topics, including critical thinking, effective communication, and creating safe classrooms for learning. They are not just theoretical concepts but practical, actionable steps that teachers can implement immediately in their classrooms. By equipping educators with these tools, we hope to ignite a passion for skills in students and pave the way for a brighter, more innovative future.

Imagine a classroom where students not only excel in mathematical calculations but also approach problems with a creative mindset. A classroom where they are encouraged to ask questions, explore various solutions, and collaborate with their peers. This is the future we at SkillSafari are working to make reality.

As we begin testing our Teacher Soft Skills Badges and learning materials, we are filled with hope and excitement. We believe that with the right resources, educators can become catalysts for change, shaping a generation of students who are not only academically proficient but also creatively adept.


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